Computer Volume

Computer Volume
Keep it Medium!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Students will click on the following link:


You will send Ms. Silverberg a request to join the Class Edmodo Page.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Good afternoon! After viewing the desert habitat video, please fill out of survey on this page. You should write in complete sentences and answer each question completely. Click "SUBMIT" when you are done!

Thank you.


**When you are done, in your notebook, write down answers to these questions by searching the Internet.  (write in complete sentences!)

1.  What is the world's largest desert?

2.  What continent does NOT have a desert

3.  How many inches of rainfall do deserts receive each year?

4.  Why would you not see grass in a desert?

5.  What animal can take us across the desert safely?  Why?

6.  Why are temperatures in a desert  so different from day and night?

7.  Copy the vocabulary words for this unit!

edgeless,   mirage,   receding,   sandstorm, ecosystem, rainfallpalms, pressingatmosphere, journey, stretch Sahara DesertUnited States

Monday, September 10, 2012

Greetings Parents and Students!

Welcome Back.  I want to explain what our goals are for September/October.  We will be working on a unit called, "Animals and Their Habitats"  Students will be viewing short videos about various aspects of animal habitats.  Students will be given handouts of related vocabulary this year with a zing!  We will be looking at how we say those words in other languages !!!  Please provide students with a marble composition book and pencils so they can be prepared when they come to the Computer Lab.  I look forward to working with you and having conversations about your child's progress!!
Thank you.
Linda Silverberg

Friday, September 7, 2012

Greetings, After time in the meeting area, there will be some routines for you when you come to computers.

1. Take your seat quickly, quietly.
2. Open up your note books and date your page.
3. Make note of the phase of the moon for that day.
4. Find the total population of people in NYC on that day.
5. Begin other assignments.

When class time is over and Ms. Silverberg rings bell:
1. LOG OUT of your computer
2. Straighten keyboard and mouse.
3. Tidy up (throw out any garbage)
4. Push chair in
5. Line up.

Thank you for your cooperation.