This page will be for IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS ONLY! (Projects and HW will be handed out, and pls email me and I can email it to you). Thank you.

Part 1. 3/301, 203 and 201
(Today) You will look at the picture above. Make a list of 6-8 details from the photo. Please write it in your notebook, Be sure to bring notebook to class next Wednesday.
Part 2 (to be discussed next week, 11/10) You will be using that photo to create your story. (You will need to create a brainstorming web (below) jotting down your detail and identify more details also. You began listing details in class with a partner. Now, on your own, you will start drafting your own story.

HOMEWORK (3-203 and 3-301
1. Email Ms. Silverberg
2. Ask for the handout for Part 2 of the Animals Webquest.
3. In subject line, make sure your first name and class is there.
4. Venn Diagram (use to compare 3 animals selected from Part 1). Please email me and
request this doc.